Flynn Parkers - Attention!

From Ilene Gallop


Along with our fun-filled U. City High School Reunion, Class of 1957, we are planning a FLYNN PARK REUNION on Saturday morning, September 2, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at our old school.  This WILL NOT conflict with any U. City Reunion plans.  We are going to have juice, coffee, doughnuts, etc. - not too much food since we don't want to talk with our mouths full - Mrs. Rossi wouldn't approve of that!

Please let us know if you are planning to attend our Flynn Park get-together, how many, your complete name, address, phone number and email address and send to:

Ilene Gallop Litvag, 655 Fairways Circle, Creve Coeur, MO  63141, 314-432-8378,
Sandy Kornblet Rosen, 14308 Conway Meadows Ct., Chesterfield, MO  63017, 

COMMITTEE:  Alan Cupples, Joan Furlong Huisinga, Ilene Gallop Litvag, Sandy Kornblet Rosen, Ivan Schenberg, Alan Spivack

Hope to  see you there!"

Gus Philpott's favorite "Mrs. Rossi" story? Remember our Flynn Park Reunion in 1999? I was living in Woodstock, Ill. and rode my motorcycle to U. City, arriving just before school let out. I knew to go straight to the Principal's Office. I entered, wearing my motorcycle jacket, jeans, boots and carrying my helmet.

Two women were in the office. When I didn't say anything right away, one asked, "Can we help you with something?"

I stammered and stuttered and then said, "Well, I was told to go to the Principal's Office, but I was afraid, so I ran away. That was in 1951. Mrs. Rossi isn't still waiting for me, is she?"

They laughed and said, "No, she isn't. You're safe."


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