
It's Almost Reunion Time

In just over two weeks the 60th Anniversary and Reunion of the UCHS Class of '57 will take place. I haven't heard the latest count of sure-fire, got-in-line, paid reservations count. It's the "paid" part that counts. The committee will have to guarantee (and pay for) a certain number of attendees at Meadowbrook. I'm not in touch with the committee, but if you have said you are coming but you have not paid, you might just be out-of-luck. Remember, when you visit St. Louis, be mindful of where you are. Don't leave your valuables in sight in your car. Maybe, don't leave them in your car at all. Watch where you drive - keep your doors locked and your windows up. When you stop, don't stop right on the bumper of the car in front of you. Keep your escape path open. Decide - in advance - what you will do if a carjacker tries to open your car door. I may go to Forest Park to admire the statue of St. Louis. One of my all-time favorite photographs ...

New destination for 60th Reunion Contact Info

If you haven't sent in your contact data yet to Gail Baum, now please send the information to  Sandy Jaffe at: and send a copy to Buddy Cooper at

Register (and pay) Early

What does R.S.V.P. mean? Anyone? Répondez s'il vous plaît  It's a request for your response. The Reunion Committee would like to know whether or not you are coming. Reminders are being emailed to register early for the UCHS Class of '57 Reunion early. Why register early? It eases the workload on those who have volunteered to make this event happen. It helps them give the caterer at Meadowbrook Country Club an advance estimate for food and services. There is an evening function on Saturday, September 2, followed by a brunch on Sunday, September 3. If you register and pay, but will not be attending both, please say so. I don't think there will be a pay-at-the-door opportunity. An accurate headcount for the caterer is needed in advance. If you don't pay in advance, the assumption will be that you will not be attending. And please send it your contact information, whether or not you will attend. Read down in other articles for names and addresses with...

Teachers at Flynn Park (To - 1951)

From Buddy Cooper's recent email and thanks to Maurry, here is a partial list of teachers at Flynn Park, until June 1951. Can you add to it? Please post additions, corrections in Comments. Principal............Miss Helen Rossi Kindergarten.....Mrs. Vaux 1st grade...........Miss Rodman (later became Mrs. Heck) 2nd grade..........Miss Waite 3rd grade...........Miss Meyers, Mrs. Goldwasser 4th grade............Miss Porter 5th grade............Miss Estes 6th grade............Mrs. Myers, Miss Colley Gym...................Miss Johnson, Mr. Oppliger Penmanship.......Miss Cornwell Music.................Miss Colley, Miss Ringgold What years or classes? (Corrections? Years? Spelling?) Miss Byington Miss Duncan Miss Larson Miss Lindell Miss Osborne Miss Whanger  (Wagner?)

UCHS Alumni Assn.- join now

Are you a member of the UCHS Alumni Association? Did you even know of the Association? If you click on this link, it will take you to the website for the Association: Scroll down and look for Update your Directory Information  and then click on the link in that line. That's where you can opt-in for information.

Flynn Parkers - Attention!

From Ilene Gallop TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE FLYNN PARK GRADUATES!!!!!!!!!!! Along with our fun-filled U. City High School Reunion, Class of 1957, we are planning a FLYNN PARK REUNION on Saturday morning, September 2, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at our old school.  This WILL NOT conflict with any U. City Reunion plans.  We are going to have juice, coffee, doughnuts, etc. - not too much food since we don't want to talk with our mouths full - Mrs. Rossi wouldn't approve of that! Please let us know if you are planning to attend our Flynn Park get-together, how many, your complete name, address, phone number and email address and send to: Ilene Gallop Litvag, 655 Fairways Circle, Creve Coeur, MO  63141, 314-432-8378,                                     ...

How to Post a Comment

[Edited 4/9/17] Thanks to the classmates who are informing me of the difficulty (or impossibility) of posting comments on this blog. Please follow these steps - exactly. If you wish to post a comment, click on "Post a Comment". Write your comment. Please include your name. See the words above your comment that read "Comment as: select profile". Click on the dropdown arrow. If you have a GMail or AIM (AOL) account, use that. If not, select Anonymous. Click on Publish. Check the box "I'm not a robot". Next, you have to solve 1-2 CAPTCHAs. These prevent robots and spam. Read the direction and click on the correct squares. You might have to do this twice. Click on Publish. You might have to click on a second Publish. Click on Publish. Good luck! Once you get the hang of it, it's easy. Kind of like when you first used a flip-phone or a SmartPhone. If you still have problems, please send an email to