It's Almost Reunion Time
In just over two weeks the 60th Anniversary and Reunion of the UCHS Class of '57 will take place. I haven't heard the latest count of sure-fire, got-in-line, paid reservations count. It's the "paid" part that counts. The committee will have to guarantee (and pay for) a certain number of attendees at Meadowbrook. I'm not in touch with the committee, but if you have said you are coming but you have not paid, you might just be out-of-luck. Remember, when you visit St. Louis, be mindful of where you are. Don't leave your valuables in sight in your car. Maybe, don't leave them in your car at all. Watch where you drive - keep your doors locked and your windows up. When you stop, don't stop right on the bumper of the car in front of you. Keep your escape path open. Decide - in advance - what you will do if a carjacker tries to open your car door. I may go to Forest Park to admire the statue of St. Louis. One of my all-time favorite photographs ...